Could font list highlight the current selected font?

  • In this example, I chose the font "Jawbreak" to use for my live text selection. I realized shortly after that I needed a different variation of the font, but when reopened the font section, it was pre-selecting the font, "Scout" and I would need to scroll up or type in the letters of the font I wanted to return to.
    The first screenshot below shows when the font selection is first clicked on when the live text selected is already "Jawbreak" - it begins me at the bottom portion of my list of fonts at "Scout"
    The second screenshot image below shows that I have to type in "j" at least, to get back to the "Jawbreak" section of type alternates (or scroll up/down to get to it)

    It would make more sense to me that just reopening the text font section would have the current live text font choice pre-selected so a simple change to a different variation of the same font would be quick and easy to do. It's confusing that it starts at what seems like a random place in the list of fonts. Could this be changed? Thanks

    0_1683544563524_5ef80250-18a3-4c7f-ab04-9c3a3b6bfb36-BLD 2023-05-08 at 07.15.29.png

    0_1683544633432_56067663-c510-4921-81fa-f71f149a1132-BLD 2023-05-08 at 07.16.39.png

  • administrators

    @Boldline Added this to the backlog.