Question about saving symbols
I have a problem with symbols.
When I create my custom made symbols and close my file by accident, without saving- the library is empty.
Is it standard Vectorstyler's behaviour?Do I have to save file to preserve my symbols?
I would like to see something similar to AD. When you drag and drop symbol it stays in the library.
No matter, if file is saved or not.
'Create Symbol Preset…' from the Styles menu > Create Styles will create global symbols (I think this is what they are called).'Create Symbol…' creates "local" symbols, that are available only for the current document.
The "global" preset symbols are found in the Presets panel (Panels menu > Presets > Presets).
@visualrevolt I would also add the Symbol "role":
On a group of objects (to be used as a symbol), open the Object Options, set a name and with the Role button, enable the Symbol role.This group then becomes a symbol, but it is not stored separately, and any editing inside the group is reflected on all symbol instances.
To avoid clutter, these kind of objects with "roles" can be placed on a Reference canvas (Canvas & Artboards panel)
@visualrevolt In AD, symbols are local to the document, they are not saved in a library. I believe you are thinking of the Assets panel, which is something completely different.
If you edit a symbol in AD, all other symbols are "linked" to it and change along with the original.
In AD, assets are copied into the document as distinct entities and are not linked together.
@visualrevolt said in Question about saving symbols:
I would like to see something similar to AD. When you drag and drop symbol it stays in the library.
These are called presets in VectorStyler. You can create a symbol preset using the Presets panel.
And these will be available in other documents also.