Slabtype text alignment option
I saw this today and felt it would be a great addition to VS at some point when possible.
Essentially you create several lines of active text and then select them all and run a script that automatically aligns them all to center and sizes up the text to all be the exact same width.Here is a link to a script someone created for Illustrator.
Here is another tutorial showing the same thing referencing the script provided in the first link
@Boldline I could be wrong, but I think I once asked for proportional scaling to be added and it's possible.
I know it requires a few more clicks, but I think it's quite simple.
I have tried recording all actions step by step as an action and assigning a keyboard shortcut, but it does not work well.@VectorStyler I have now noticed that the order of the lines has changed on the recording.
@encart totally awesome. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad it can already be done in VS albeit a few more steps. Always great to have multiple options. I think in the long run, things like this would be great as default scripts built in to VS for efficiency
@encart This can be done with an action, no?
@b77 Unfortunately no. I have just tried it and it comes out a mess. It takes longer to sort out than to do step by step.
@encart Starting from your idea, here is a slightly faster method:
(Align objects in geometric order' needs to be enabled in the Alignment panel).
@VectorStyler But it still doesn't let me record the align actions so I can automate it…
@Boldline Yes, this is doable with the Alignment panel. It needs maybe more clicks that ideal, will try to improve that.