Adapt some Preferences options on first run of the app

  • Just in case a welcome screen for first time users gets to include a way to adapt some options
    in the Preferences if the user specifies which app he's most familiar with, here are some of the
    options that could be included in this "automatic adjustment":

    • Automatic toggle on repeated key press between current and previous tool ………. [ AD - On, AI - Missing, CDR - ?? ]

    • Rubber Band (Prefs > Changing Options> Show Segment in Pen Tool) …………….. [ AD - Off, AI - On, CDR - On ]

    • Edit Corners in Transform Tool (Prefs > Editing Options 2) ..………………………….. [ AD - Off, AI for iOS - On, CDR - Missing ]

    • Area Zoom Mode (Prefs > Document Editor) ……………………………………………. [ AD - ??, AI - On, CDR - On ]

    • Rotate View with Trackpad (Prefs > Document Editor) …………………………………. [ AD - On, AI - On, CDR - ?? ]

    There should also be an option to just use the VS defaults, selected by default.

    You are welcome to add to the list, and also correct me if I made a mistake in the list and I'll modify it.