Can merge nodes at center handle more than 2 nodes?

  • @VectorStyler said in update 1.1.067:

    Merge nodes at center, button in Path panel and Context panel.

    Here is the video
    I might be misunderstanding how it's best used, but when I wanted to create a triangle out of this red rectangle, I added a node in the center by double clicking on the side node. I then selected all three top nodes and aligned them to center of the individual shape, so there are now three nodes overtop one another. I assumed that after selecting the three nodes in that centered section, the new tool to essentially delete the unnecessary nodes would be available. Instead it was greyed out in both the path panel and the context bar. Is this because the tool is only set to handle two nodes sitting overtop one another? If so, could this option be expanded to handle more than 2? I don't know what a realistic number is, but I'd think 5-10 would cover most every typical use

  • @Boldline I agree it should work for more than 2 nodes, but I guess it was not implemented now because it needs a bit more complex coding (merging first the selected nodes in the middle), and also a different approach if the selected nodes are not all consecutive.

  • administrators

    @Boldline I will try to figure out how to make this work with more than 2 nodes.