Bitdefender gives (false) alarm on VectorStyler.exe

  • The latest VectorStyler beta cannot be installed on Windows because Bitdefender blocks the file and reports it as malware. I have reported to this to Bitdefender but you might want to check this and make your own report.

    I tried to put Bitdefender on pause and reinstall, but the setup program still fails at the point where it tries to place VectorStyler.exe in the program folder. I have the app installed on another Windows machine where Bitdefender is not used and that works ok so I assume the problem is caused by Bitdefender. In its notify section is cleary mentions that the exe was blocked and also mentions the assumed virus it thinks it has recognized in it.

  • administrators

    @Arde What this a problem in previous VectorStyler beta versions? VectorStyler is signed with EV Code certificate.

  • Odd. I am talking about the Windows .msi installer that I only just downloaded. It has revision number {FD60680A-9C33-4E06-9712-1AA50C2AAFA4} and in the About box (on another computer where I could install it), the app version is 1.0 beta 208.

  • administrators

    @Arde This occurs probably for older builds also (there are a few previous builds listed in

    I do not use bitdefender (I use F-Secure on windows), I will open a bug on this one, lets see what can be done.

  • administrators

    @Arde What is the message given by Bitdefender?