Object styles

  • Finally came to styles. What is an object style? In Corel Vector I can make a "Shared style" that works seamlessly between objects:

    alt text

    In VS I only see a style when the object I used as a starting point is selected?

    Vectorstyler styles video


  • administrators

    @Ingolf Use the Styles panel (Panel -> Styles -> Styles) to manage styles. The "Object Styles" is to manage style overrides (styles defined locally) of an object, a.k.a style overrides.

    The Canvas Styles does style overrides at canvas level.

    Document Styles will contain the actual style definitions.

    I will need tor rename these.

  • @VectorStyler said in Object styles:

    @Ingolf Use the Styles panel (Panel -> Styles -> Styles) to manage styles. The "Object Styles" is to manage style overrides (styles defined locally) of an object, a.k.a style overrides.

    I see. But the accessibility is reversed, and the terms used and the structure of the menu make the more administrative style tools come first, and where you then find something that has nothing to do with applying styles. They should identify themselves more as what they are, and perhaps in a submenu.

    The style panel, on the other hand, which I expect to use often, is a bit hidden at the bottom of the panel menu (I missed it when I scanned the rest of the menu alphabetically) illogically placed under palettes and presets with quite a few submenus. Styles are right up there with the other stuff in the panels menu. 🙂

    I imagine a simpler version of styles is to have a style panel or two (graphics and text), but that comes down to the wildest discipline in usability, reducing and simplifying. But it's a discipline worth all the effort, because the value of things can be lost when it's all drowned in detail and choice. But now I haven't used styles long enough in VS yet to have a particularly qualified opinion, so just this detail I'll assess a bit further.

    Let's just call this thread 'first impressions' to be fair. 🙂

    But overall, I often find that the very advanced features block, confuse and interfere with the more common use of the most common uses of features, and this is not the intention. They should be there, but in a second level. Discreetly.

    The most complex feature of a complex product is that the complexity of the functionality is reduced through clever UI design. That's the UI's job. Not the manual's.
