A keystroke to bring back the recently closed dialog/panel
Because sometimes it takes "an hour" to find the right menu option.
Eventually a Quick Menu for Favorite commands, in implemented Blender by right clicking on a menu item and Adding to Favs.
@plrang Would this be a sort of "recent action" thing? This exists for actions that change the document, but not for Show Panel.
@VectorStyler It's more for the UI, like fe. I open that Text Frame Options, which doesn't have any kb shortcuts. The more nested the command the more time you lose for finding/opening the panel again.
If it's for a "favourite" command, couldn't you use Vectorstyler's "Contextual Menu" preference to add your own commands there - that sounds like your Blender method ?
That way you only have to right click for the command to pop-up?
@Igull That won't remember the last opened dialog.
But.. where is that "Contextual Menu", I am blind.
look in View > Customize > Contextual Menu
Under the Vectorstyler Menu/Contextual Menu..
Sorry, I didn't see that it was for "recent items", but you can add your favourite things there
@Subpath Thank you.
@Igull The problem is that when I add for example the Text Frame Option it's inactive, can't open those Options even while hovering the Text Frame.Also the CTRL+Click from the manual doesn't work here. I see the menu item when I use the right click, BUT RMB brings up the WHOLE context menu I don't need.
It certainly doesn't work like it should.
Gonna explore it anyway cause speed is my priority. Tx!
Yes, I guess you do need to edit down the whole contextual menu(s) to your own needs, I only use maybe 12 or so menuitems in mine - it's a HUGE timesaver for me and a great setup - AI doesn't have anything like that !
However, if you are simply adding text to a specific type of shape frame, then the contextual menu can be minimal for that type of shape.
It IS a tad painful to setup initially, but you only do it once or twice (or if you're OCD - multiple times)
@Igull Thanks, absolutely a time saver, but would be great it could be as simpe as in Blender.
? - search for a command - RMB - FAV - DONE. Menu ready. No need for any fancy dialogs.