Warp > arching - uses the inner object shape?
The flag is nested in a rectangle, the warp is on a rectangle, yet it uses the whole inner object to create the arch.
How can I make it bend only the clipped part?
@plrang It is a little bit hidden
but this can be changed:
- select the object
- in the Appearance panel, select the Group item
- in the Appearance panel menu enable the "Clipped Effect Frame" option
Important to know: for most of the shape effects, the behavior outside of the bounding box is undefined and may have unexpected results. This is why by default the effect box will contain all.
@VectorStyler Well, works like a charm, yet I would never have found it. Seems like it is unavailable as an option in the layer selector, where I look for layer/group properties. So the pattern is: check also the appearance tab?
@plrang Yes, the Appearance panel also has a lot of options around the content of object.
I will try to move this into the Layers/Object options, the problem is that it is an option of the "Group" content inside the Object.
@VectorStyler I see, couldn't that be docked at the bottom of the Object Options panel? Otherwise it (the hierarchy tree) seems redundant. Also there is a 3rd place - the Properties panel, which also includes a Shape panel, Ordering etc.
@plrang I will try to add it to the Object/Layer options view.