Paths and straight lines

  • I always use a single handle for my bezier paths and straight lines .
    Inkscape uses ( and hold ) the shift key and clik anywhere to get straight lines , in vectorstyler we use alt .
    The way it works in vectorstyler is a bit off putting when doing straight lines
    In inskcape we click(mouse down ) and hold drag to draw the bezier curve , let go of the mouse button so we can freely decide where to put our end point , click again and the curve is created , for straight lines we just click
    In vectorstyler the main issue is when doing straight lines , it only works when there is a bezier path ( see screenshot ) present.
    If we don't define a bezier path for straight lines , the following line can never be curved .
    Just try it , draw a straight line followed by a curved line not using bezier for the straight line , it's not possible

  • administrators

    @gentlecl This looks like a bug in the pen tool.

  • Edit , I was wrong
    There is way to make a curved line after a straight segment .
    Click and drag on the last point ( of the straight line ) to pull out the bezier handle .
    I still think it's one step to many , but glad I got it sorted