Artboards and margins

  • I don’t know whether this is a bug or by design (as they say in another forum).

    I first setup a new document (alt+ctrl+n) with two artboards, 300 dpi, etc. and save as a preset but I forgot to include margins.

    I then reopen the panel New document, selected the preset --> Artborad --> and click on Format to add margins. However, there are no margins in the new document. Can’t we add document (canvas/artboard) features this way?

    I can add margins when the document is opened and going to the menu Canvas --> Artboard options… but I can’t add margins to my two artboards in once.

  • administrators

    @PatrickM This could be a bug. I added it to the backlog.

  • @vectoradmin Thanks for the feedback.
    In general, can we (will we be able to) modify a preset or should we record a new one and delete the first?

  • administrators

    @PatrickM The Styles menu -> Preset Manager should be able to manage / edit most presets.
    If something is missing (artboard size does), then if it is a simple thing then maybe just overwrite with the same name.
    For more complex options, presets should be editable.