Some thoughts on tool organisation UI
I added these to the backlog.
A destructive effect means that the object shapes are changed as curves by the brush, and there is no editable effect to change the parameters. In this case no effect shows up in any of the panels. The object shape is changed as if it was changed by the node tool.
A nondestructive effect is when we get an editable effect attached to the object or a style. This shows up in panels, and the parameters can be modified any time, or the effect removed.
@vectoradmin said in Some thoughts on tool organisation UI:
I added these to the backlog.
A destructive effect means that the object shapes are changed as curves by the brush, and there is no editable effect to change the parameters. In this case no effect shows up in any of the panels. The object shape is changed as if it was changed by the node tool.
A nondestructive effect is when we get an editable effect attached to the object or a style. This shows up in panels, and the parameters can be modified any time, or the effect removed.
Thanks, evidently we were thinking of different brushes, as the ones I was referring to do show up in the Shape Effects panel.
Or maybe it is my terminology?
I am referring to these:
@postdes said in Some thoughts on tool organisation UI:
@b77 I can see that the developer wants to be able to release this software some time soon, however I think it would be more difficult to fundamentally change the way tool are organised when it is released, as opposed to when it is still in beta. So perhaps this is the right time to consider these things?
I was just replying to the specific request of @fde101 about toolbox customization, which would have taken time to implement if it wasn't already available.
So that doesn't mean I disagree that improvements can be made to the way tools are organized (also their icons) — I would just say let's not get to extreme measures like combining too many tools into one or hiding essential tools from the toolbar, as this can create problems for new and maybe also experienced users.
@fde101 Those are interactive editors
and indeed they don't work with content selection now.
this is an open bug.
Forgot to add: these are the destructive shape effect brushes. These tools paint an effect to a local part of a shape (or shapes).
Some improvements in this area are in build 194.
The pointer tool has been simplified, the various selection modes are available in the context panel now.
The pencil and brush tools were also simplified. The pressure mode can be selected in the context panel.
Thanks, that is a big improvement. You even got the velocity option in there!
Forgot to add here, but the Appearance panel selection should be considered now by the shape and image effect editors.
The tools are working well now with the appearance panel items; however, am I missing something or is the elastic warp tool broken?
@fde101 There seems to be a regression here, added to the backlog.
Elastic warp regression is fixed in build 198
Yes, this seems to be working again.
Thank you!