Three user stories for hand tracing features

  • Hi forum users

    I will post three user stories (feature requests) for hand tracing features in a while. I finally found a few moments for writing them, I am an extremely busy guy these months. 😞

    They are written as user stories. I write SCRUM user stories all year long for big projects so I prefer this brief feature description. They can be discussed for ages in posts (and meeting, believe me!) below but the user story itself is short by nature. It makes it very clear for the developer what it requested by whom and why. Also makes it very clear what should be tested by a test-manager and team. Documentation can be attached as files or links but the user story is to the point.

    The important part when scanning a user story to understand it is the short story onliner and the acceptance criterias.

    I wrote three user stories. First of all to avoid complexity but also because @vectoradmin can decide whether or not to implement them at all, or just implement the first one, or more importantly to implement them in steps should he implement them all. Breaking down tasks is key in software development - and prioritizing user stories and bugs in the backlog too. Sometimes a user story can await that the software arcitechture is ready for it too.

    The most important one is the first. Reference layers/objects that are simple click-though objects that can be hidden or shown with a single toggle visibility keyboard shortcut.

    @vectoradmin I use the terms layers and object in those stories. I guess both should support working as a reference so I mention both all the time.

    Feedback is very welcome.

  • administrators

    @Ingolf Thanks!