Could path brush tool , eraser, node remover tool, corner size painter, knife, etc have autonomous settings?
Could all applicable tools nested in the third option down from the top of the vertical toolbar be given autonomous setting controls?
I noticed for example, if I use the path brush and I set the stabilize to "rope", if I later switch over to the eraser tool, it also has stabilize set to 'rope". If I switch it back to "none" and then alter go back to the path brush tool , node remover tool, corner size painter, knife, etc, it applies the same settings to those tools.
This gets distracting because I often have one way of using one of these tools and another way of using another. If I switch it for one tool I have to go back and keep switching them around for the rest
@Boldline I add this to the backlog.
@Boldline Try using the Shared Brush Options in the Preferences -> Adjustments section.