Built in "Application Shortcuts" Warning 'Shortcut already in use"
I think it would be very helpful to add a check-review warning dialog box to the Application Shortcuts in the case someone tries to add a shortcut to the list that already is already claimed by another shortcut. Ideally it would tell you what task that shortcut is already tied to and give the option to override the existing or change the new shortcut to something else
Tagging on to this topic - Is it reasonable to show a list of unused keyboard shortcuts so people could pick from what is not taken already?
Obviously this could get messy because you can get into 3 or 4 key commands! But what if the list was limited to up to 3 keys max, starting with the 1 key option, then 2 key, then three key?
I really like the option to save out a text file with the keyboard shortcuts in use already. Maybe a similar thing could be done for the unused options?
@Boldline I will add a warning for used shortcuts (with the option to reassign).
There is a task in the features backlog to have a different shortcut assigning UI, one where a keyboard is shown.
It is not a very high priority, but it will be done at some point.
@Boldline This should be available in build 1.1.024