Blend Does not seem to work for me with letters
Trying to blend between two sets of words.... I can never seem to get it to "just work" I tried with each set of words as groups and then tried where I combined words. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
0_1641427239146_blend issues.vstyler
While I'm thinking of it - it might be good to add a little more info to the blend section of the documentation about whether or not multiple shapes need to be combined or not and treated as "one". I know that's a major factor in Illustrator
@Boldline Ungroup both and it should work.
@Boldline I will look into what to work with grouped shapes.
@b77 Thanks! That worked. Old Illustrator ways die hard in my brain! Almost everything you do to create blends, clipping masks, other effects, if it involves multiple individual items, it has to be a combined shape to do so.
@vectoradmin It's awesome that it works without combining. I will be training my brain to not think about combining everything but it might be a good thing to add at some point with blend, repeater (for glyphs) etc...