Selected Live Text just have an underline in the layer color?

  • Would it make more sense to have selected live text with the transform tool show a bounding box and just an outline below the letters in the same color as the layer color?
    Right now it's showing certain nodes - but I don't think that makes it clear what tool is in use and makes the text harder to read based on what size it is on the artboard

    I like the option for selecting text with the shape editor tool - it gives the option to alter the direction

    0_1640799242799_ae4aed81-c0ac-421c-b727-ed169f793898-BLD 2021-12-29 at 12.30.51.png

    In Illustrator, using the equivalent to the shape editor tool, text has a simple bounding box and an underline - both in the layer color. Would this be a better more legible option in VS?

  • administrators

    @Boldline This should be available in build 1.1.024