Center up this part of the stroke panel?
Would it look better aesthetically, to have the top portion of the strokes panel be centered? And actually, the middle section as well?
@Boldline I will try
@vectoradmin It's not crucial - just an idea
@Boldline Here I also have the 'Miter Limit' checkbox and its angle value:
Would aligning the input fields like this while moving the Corner buttons after Miter Limit be better?(The 'Corner' label might not be necessary, since the buttons are self-explanatory, and I just needed to make the panel slightly wider so the Miter Limit label and checkbox would fit).
@b77 I appreciate the mock ups -I agree it would be nice to have the width, align miter limit and stroke alignment and corners in a smaller panel together... the goal is to save space, but the doubling up of the settings seems to add confusion in my opinion...
@Boldline Which 'doubling up of the settings' do you mean?