
  • So I wanted to play around with the repeater but didn't get much love back from it.
    All I wanted to do was a grid with N repetitions on H and Y

    First click creates a 2x2 grid, I couldn't find then how to change it to a, for example, 4x12 grid but I haven't looked much into it.

    Anyway there's something weird with the undo. As usual I made a video 🙂


  • administrators

    @Torakikiii The "Extent" field in the panel (when the repeater object is selected) can be used to set the whole extent of the repeated region. There is no column / row mode (for now).

    Also: one other (interesting) way to use repeaters is to fill a shape with a symbol. For this select the symbol object (for example a small circle or rectangle) and select the shape (should much larger of course).
    In this case the repeater (by default grid) is created so that the area of shape is filled with the symbols.
    In this case there is no Extent field in the panel, as the extent is automatic from the shape.
    Then different "Geometry" modes can be selected to play with options.

    Some examples: draw/select a large shape, and pick one of the presets from the Style drop down in the panel.

    About the undo: it is a bug and can be replicated. The workaround is to do Undo twice, as it seems to separate the two phases of the repeater creation 🙂

    Repeater documentation will be available later (before the 1.1 beta is over).