Effects preview checkbox

  • I've noticed that some of the Effects panels have the "Preview" checkbox already checked by default when I open a panel, while some do not.

    Is there some reason they're not all checked by default? I keep thinking I've found a bug in VS because nothing is happening to my vector object, but then I realize the "Preview" box is just un-checked.

    I'm having a hard time imagining a scenario where I wouldn't always want to see the effects of the adjustments I'm making, so it makes more sense to me to have all the the "Preview" boxes checked by default... but maybe I'm missing something?

  • administrators

    The state of the preview button is kept as follows:

    • shape effects each keep a common state for all shape effect types.
    • image effects each keep a common state for all image effect types.
    • individual color effects keep a separate state (this may be a problem).

    I added to the bug list to have a common state for Color Effects (first section of the Effect menu).
    Will also reconsider the default state (to be on).