Loading AI data from Illustrator EPS
Is it possible to load AI data from Illustrator EPS files instead of EPS data?
Stock graphics sold online are Illustrator EPS in most case and they have different style between EPS data and AI data due to incompatibility.
AI data is the original like PDF compatible AI files, so I would like to load it.
@ash-f Not at this time. But try changing the file extension to .ai
When opening an EPS file (with .eps extension), VS will read the EPS data.
What version of Illustrator was used to save those files?I think adding this (looking if there is AI data in EPS) is not a major thing, if the AI data is similar to the regular AI format (should be).
Changing extension fails(blank), I already tried that since I have been doing the same thing with Adobe XD.
Usually stock graphics are saved as very old version, most common version is 8 or 10.
Or could be a CS. wouldn't' be a CC.
@ash-f I add this to the backlog as a feature request.
Can you send me a link to some stock graphics in this format? Thanks!
@vectoradmin I can not write the download link for a paid artwork here.
What is the email address I can send it?
@ash-f send the link to csraba at vectorstyler.com , But if it is a paid artwork, where can I search for it. I might have a subscription.
@vectoradmin I guess common one is Adobe Stock or Shutterstock.
But most of stock graphic markets have similar rules to submit the artwork.Like these:
Envato(Graphic River)
Deposit Photos
Regarding this matter, I think it would be nice if you could do this for PDF(with editability option) as well.
Showing an option to select which data to load would be the best maybe?
@ash-f The way it will be for EPS (already implemented, will be in the next build) is to have a preferences option, that enables / disables the checking of AI data in EPS files.
I added the AI in PDF request to the backlog.
@vectoradmin Wouldn't it better to show a dialog to choose which one when opening?
@ash-f For now it will be with the preferences. I will think of a better way later.