Size adjustment problem when using the warp, liquify, noise etc. tools
As I probably mentioned a lot already, I draw many small objects in big drawings. A3 often sometimes bigger.
I was delighted to find and try the wave effect (VS has several distortion tools) but using any of them on anything but large objects is futile. The tool is too big. Not relative to the object or adjustable. Am I missing something?
I appriciate the many options in VS, but for many of these tools I just need some basic to go settings and the advanced ones available behind a button or cog wheel. A first level of noob settings could be size, effect, whatever and with an effect circle relative to the zoom level. Tired now, I hope it makes sense.
The moment I try to use the tool on a small object, the ehm ... "effect radius circle" on screen is bigger than the screen area:
The bracket keys alter the size of the brush for that set of tools. You can also double click on the tool and adjust size and more in the brush options panel
@Boldline said in Size adjustment problem when using the warp, liquify, noise etc. tools:
The bracket keys alter the size of the brush for that set of tools. You can also double click on the tool and adjust size and more in the brush options panel
Thanks again again
Now I can proceed at least.
Bracket keys has unfortunately no effect on my non-UK/non-US keyboard in VS.
I am surprised (read: would never have guessed or tried) that I have to double click the toolbar icon to see these options (option practically invisible and non-standard which is far worse, who would know), if brush options are not supposed to be accessible from the context panel I don't know what is.
Usability inspiration from wonderful Capture One Pro 2.1 - right click exactly where you are working with the brush and:
Photoshop works the same way - right click exactly where you are working with the brush and:
This right click-shortcut to these options has another advantage: it works when you are in full screen (in programs with that feature) or has closed the toolbar to try to get more screen estate.
Further, with the wave tool activated I am probably not looking for or able to use any of these right click options:
@Ingolf I don't disagree that having access to settings related to the brush for each respective tool available in the toolbar would be a handy thing. Speaking for myself with an American keyboard, the bracket keys are as fast or an even faster option than right-clicking to get the menu you demonstrated. I don't know what kind of keyboard you are using or what the equivalent to the bracket keys would be with that.
VS is filled with so many features, I actually welcome the fact that some things are tucked away and not obvious in front of your face - for example, knowing that with most toolbar tools, there are additional options if you double-click on the tool itself means I can access it quickly if needed, but not have it always in my way. Just my 2 cents
@Boldline said in Size adjustment problem when using the warp, liquify, noise etc. tools:
@Ingolf I don't disagree that having access to settings related to the brush for each respective tool available in the toolbar would be a handy thing. Speaking for myself with an American keyboard, the bracket keys are as fast or an even faster option than right-clicking to get the menu you demonstrated. I don't know what kind of keyboard you are using or what the equivalent to the bracket keys would be with that.
VS is filled with so many features, I actually welcome the fact that some things are tucked away and not obvious in front of your face - for example, knowing that with most toolbar tools, there are additional options if you double-click on the tool itself means I can access it quickly if needed, but not have it always in my way. Just my 2 centsUsability-wise they should be available - mostly tucked away - but not as invisible options. And certainly not requiring non-standard shortcuts to appear/be available. It is implemented nicely in many other programs.
No equivalent keys here. And if I was to use those keys it would require holding down multiple keys.
@Ingolf I will add this to the backlog, as an improvement idea. The right click could be doable (no need for context menu in this case). Also the brush width will be added to the context panel.