Drag to set initial font size instead of creating a text frame (as an alternative)

  • I have raised this topic several times.
    In my specific case, I never used a paragraph of the text. Usually in my projects I use up to a few single words of different sizes. During this time I tried to find a workaround, but I think the best solution is the one offered by Affinity Designer. If possible, I would ask for an alternative to the current state to be added in the future.

    What does the Alt key do when drawing a text frame? While Shift and Ctrl work analogously to drawing shapes, I don't see Alt being assigned. Maybe this key could become responsible for initial text size setting?

  • administrators

    @encart I added this to the backlog. Alt is free (I think), but it can also be an option.

  • administrators

    @encart This feature is available now in 1.1.002 (beta)