Can pop up percentage display remain within the selected object

  • Adding the pop up number showing the percentage of opacity with the numerical keys is an improvement for sure. Now we can verify exactly what percentage we are altering the object selected and know for sure when it's back at 100%.
    That said, is there a way to have the pop up number display appear centered within the confines of the selection? Sometimes it appears in other parts of the screen away from the object being adjusted

  • administrators

    @Boldline Added to the backlog. What if the selection is outside of the visible area?

  • @vectoradmin I can understand a case where you select a shape and click "find same" to grab others in and out of view on screen. In that case could it just show within the shape initially selected? you'd have to see one of them at least on screen to be able to designate it being the example to find elsewhere, correct? Is there a scenario where none would be visible on screen?

    If you coded it to display only within the confines of the initial selection made, would that work?

  • administrators

    @Boldline The user can always pan out, with any selection.
    But of course if can be centered to the display area if falls outside of it.

  • @vectoradmin True- they could pan out - and in that case it may be more favorable to have the number appear amongst the many selected....
    I'm just thinking the majority of the time, the user will be keeping the initial selection on-screen

  • @vectoradmin I recommend removing the decimal point and fractional part part of the value because if someone should try to enter 25,5 then it activates the pixel/vector division of the screen. And if something is displayed it will give the impression that it can be used.

    Further, no one will use percent and it is much easier to read integer values. 🙂

  • I would prefer centered on screen as now - it just covers many coding/use case scenarios elegantly.

    But great idea with the visual feedback.