Real time opacity preview in layers panel
When I am changing the opacity of the layer to reduce it for a trace-over, is it possible to have the action begin as I am adjusting? Right now I open the layer options and move the slider and nothing happens until I hit "ok". It would help to know the feature is working and also be able to dial in the result without closing out and going back in again if needed.
@Boldline Following steps:
- open both the Layers and the Transparency panels.
- select the whole layer in the Layers panel, by clicking on the round circle at the end of the row with the layer name.
- this creates a single object selection, where the object is the layer (can only be done in this way.
- now with the layer selected, adjust the Opacity slider in the Transparency panel.
- the result can also be verified, that it applied to the layer (and not those objects) in the Layer Options (or just double click the layer name in the panel).