Improving color palette selection of existing colors
This is a minor thing but I would find it very helpful. I noticed that if an existing shape with a fill/no stroke is selected, but in the color panel or palette panel, the stroke is selected, when you switch over to making the fill be in the foreground, it does not highlight the color of the fill in the color palette panel. The same is true with the stroke/no fill. If I select an item with a stroke and no fill, but in the palette panel or color panel, if the stroke is not set to be in front of the fill beforehand, switching back will not prompt it to show the selection of the color in the palette.
It makes sense that if the object has no stroke and only a fill, but the fill square is behind the stroke square and vice versa, that it would not be highlighted in the palette. I would just like to see it become highlighted when it returns to being in the foreground. Hopefully that makes sense.
@Boldline Yes, this looks like a bug.
@Boldline The color drag&drop between palettes has been added in build 1.1.008