Photoshop Export
Hello there! I see psd import, but are there plans for psd export? Inordinately useful.
Thank you
@trade_craft Welcome to Vectorstyler! With Vectorstyler being a vector program and Photoshop being a mostly raster based program, what would you be wanting to open in PS native? What would you be looking to import that goes beyond what a png, jpeg, pdf, etc could accomplish? Just to be clear I'm not trying to be critical but rather understand better your workflow.
@trade_craft Welcome to VS!
Layered PSD export is not available at this time. It would be great to have that, I agree.
As a limited workaround when you have just two or three layers, you could hide all layers but one, export it as PNG (File > Export), unhide another one and hide the others then 'Export again'. Then you can open the PNGs in PS.
I believe he is requesting output with layers to be processed in Photoshop. If Photoshop is part of your workflow this is of course vital - and even more so if you are expected to ship someone material in PSD format.
I don't use this much so I am not sure how many of the features of PSD format that should be supported, if added to VS.
@trade_craft I will add this as a feature request (PSD export), for further down the road.
Thank you for this. Effectively, I sometimes use vector artwork as a basis of artwork I then complete in raster - I usually use Clip Studio as my bitmap app which enjoys some basic vector functions, but of course nothing as advanced as VS. I've dabbled with Affinity over the past few years, but lack of development on AD and the absence of some very basic vector features has prompted me to move on.
Anyway, thank you for a swift response and the PNG suggestion above - certainly doable, but psd export opens up a ton of possibilities.