Image trace number of colors slider
Is there a way to give greater control to the number of colors on the low end of the slider in the image trace panel? Reason being, I feel I can safely assume most tracing jobs are in the 1-20 colors range (I'm almost always in the 1-5 colors range max) When I go to move the color number down on the slider, its harder to get it set perfectly - but a whole lot easier to slide it to the right and add 40 colors! Yes I can just use the input box and type my number in... but I think it would be nice to have the slider favor the lower number requests rather than the 200-500 or more colors option
@Boldline I agree, the slider needs to be made non-uniform.
@b77 "non-uniform"! yes thank you - you said in one sentence what took me a paragraph haha!