Personal compliments to the developers!
I am thrilled to come across such an amazing vector app in the making.
I am a Shutterstock contributor, and pursuing a side gig of commissions during these uncertain times.
With that being said, I am relatively avid at using Infinite design for android and Affinity Design for Mac/PC. I also sometimes take advantage of Inkscape's scripting features.
However... None of those can perform the most favorite function that I covet most about Vector Styler, the mesh warp! I even went through the extent of buying a Mac for the sake of giving this app a try!
Sure Adobe Illustrator can do it. However, I refuse to be involved with Adobe products as they are quite pricey and the subscription based license is time limited when purchased.
The more I visit vector styler, play around with it, and see its frequent updates, the more I have promise to myself that it will be my main app used for vector illustration!
Good work and you have my support!
Feedback is always welcome. Will need to improve the beta till it is suitable for release, hopefully this year
I plan to release it with a single payment, perpetual license (traditional model) with one year free update option. (similar model to sketchapp).
Active beta contributors (bug reports, improvement suggestions) will get of course a free license.There will be no subscription, and no data collection.
Just a vector drawing app for professionals.
I second this! It's really an amazing app with such rich and deep tools. I've been using vector apps since the days of Altsys Fontographer — and FreeHand user also since the early days.. so I've seen quite a few apps
VectorStyler's tools go way beyond what most current vector apps are doing. Surely it's more technical than any of the "bare" apps (without using any plugins), but VS has been able to handle anything I've thrown at it. All Hats Off to Numeric Path!
I'm in a similar situation. Fed up with Adobe, been using Affinity Designer and really missing non-destructive mesh warp. (You can do the warp in Affinity Photo but its destructive.)
Though, I'm still trying out to use the warp tools in VectorStyler. I'm very happy to have found VectorStyler.
Like @badcat, I just found out about VectorStyler. Having an over 20 y old history starting with Quark and Freehand, over Fireworks to Illustrator I switched 3 y ago to Affinity and will never (!) go back into the Adobe slavery. In the affinity forum, I have found out about VectorStyler, and after only 5 minutes with it, I am hooked. Great job to the Dev and UX/UI team
. You include all you need and more in that fantastic tool. Warp, blend, vector gradient grid, distortions and and and. So lucky to see this application is really happening.
I am happy to contribute some feedback here in this forum and looking forward to the full release.
Any feedback is welcome, to improve VectorStyler.
I can only agree on this. I was very happy I found this app via the Affinity forum. I really like Affinity Designer as it is very snappy and easy to use, however I really miss more advanced vector functions and it does not look like they will be in Affinity in the near future, looking at the pace of development. So Vectorstyler is perfect for this, a huge amount of tools for real vector design, like vector transformations and brushes. Plus it has a lot of unique features like the shape sketch which are really wonderful. That it will be affordable and no subscription makes it even better. Thanks to the developers, also for the very responsive forum and swift reaction to twitter questions!
I also am very grateful for Vectorstyler and the dev team putting this together. I am currently clinging to Adobe CS6 as I remain hopeful for a replacement app more powerful to replace it.
I am completely opposed to subscriptions and much prefer the alternative solutions many software companies are using. I like the system Serif uses and also the proposed one VS will offer. I want to support developers and pay for the software that allows me to do work that pays my own bills - I just don't want a draconian overpriced subscription service as my only option. I was/am a fan of Affinity and have used it wherever possible over Illustrator but always end up back in Illustrator to finish off designs I started in Affinity on ipad or desktop. Unfortunately, Affinity is on a slow improvement track and vital tools I use daily for work are long promised and slowly delivered.
I love the responsiveness of the VS dev team and their willingness to listen to our ideas and consider them and then to even implement them in short time frames. It makes me feel proud to see input I've given as a professional vector artist, show up in an app that will benefit so many. I'm sure many of us feel that way.
I'm also so impressed with the sheer number of options and abilities for what can be accomplished in a vector app. VS blows away Illustrator, Affinity, Corel, etc... It becomes more user friendly and ready for RC all the time. Thank you for dedicating yourselves to making this a great solution for those of us stranded by Adobe and Affinity in some ways and other apps.