Toggle Guide lines alignment horizontally or vertically
Illustrator has a neat trick with it's guide lines; you can switch the guide from being horizontal to being a vertical guide before you finalize the placement and let go of your mouse/stylus by pressing down the alt/option key.
Here is a video of me doing it in Illustrator. All I'm doing is tapping/holding the alt/option key mid-drag. To swap the position you would hold down the alt/option key until you let go of the guide with the mouse/stylus.
Letting go of the alt/option key prior to releasing the guideline (setting it) returns it to it's original angle
@Boldline I added this to the backlog.
@vectoradmin I'm sure you understood just fine my request even when the video link was wrong. I replaced the video link with the correct one.
@Boldline This feature is implemented in build 1.0.046