text color indicator
I want an indicator somewhere that shows what color the selected text is while I am working.
I want it somewhere marked.
If you think this feature is a good idea, I'd like to see it added.
It's been a long time since I've posted.
For me, the VS feature is more than sufficient.
@861475_VctSt I opened a bug on this. The problem here is that in VS there is the text color and then there is the frame (fill or stroke) color.
The text color is shown when the text is selected with the text editor.I will try to find a solution for this.
That was already mentioned. (Of course.)
I don't know if this is helpful in a completely different app, but in QuarkXpress, the color buttons are displayed in the palette.
It's useful to be able to see the text color at any time.It would be nice to be able to easily check the text color while working in some way.