Webpage Font Hard to Read

  • Please consider changing the font as it's very difficult to read the ultra thin text.


  • administrators

    @Teddy I will fix this. I think on some Windows system that font is replaced.

  • @VectorStyler Thank you!!

    BTW, Playing with the trial version and getting ready to purchase shortly. My dreams of an Adobe Illustrator/Affinity Designer alternative have finally been answered!

  • @Teddy said in Webpage Font Hard to Read:

    BTW, Playing with the trial version and getting ready to purchase shortly. My dreams of an Adobe Illustrator/Affinity Designer alternative have finally been answered!

    @Teddy welcome to the Vectorstyler party! The program gets better and better all the time and the developer is quick to make fixes and improvements. I've been using VS as my primary vector design program the last few years and prefer it over Illustrator or Affinity

  • @VectorStyler Perfect! Previously it had Open Sans as the first font, which was absent, and Helvetica Neue was the secondary font, which I did have installed. The change to Sans-Serif seems to have fixed it.


  • @Boldline Indeed, it has a good assortment of vector tools which even Affinity Designer can't match. I'd say VectorStyler isn't perfect, but for a 1.x release it's very good. So far my biggest complaint is some of the options and settings are fairly disorganized. For instance I had to google where the hotkey settings are located. I would have expected them in Settings, not buried in a submenu under View.

    That being said, these are minor gripes, and the core functionality is really good.

  • @Teddy I agree with you. There's still much to improve upon in VS including new features to add, improved organization and bugs to fix. That said, VS has come so far already in the last couple years. I can already use it to do most of my professional work. The more we keep reporting bugs and issues, the faster it becomes what we all see it can be!

  • @Teddy Keep critiquing because it will help the development of the UI/UX aspect of the program. Some aspects of application design is subjective to the general user, but with more input across the board, hopefully it becomes a lot clearer to the developer the best path to take for VS.