Two quick questions

  • I've been trying out the demo and really liking it so far. VectorStyler seems to fit into my software developer mindset of "It's all just data".

    I have a few small workflow questions that I haven't been able to figure out through the documentation.

    1. Is it possible to set a "drawing scale" that is different than the actual physical resolution of the canvas. The use case here being making maps for Dungeons & Dragons, where the standard size is 1 inch = 5 feet. I would be printing these on 11x17 paper, so setting the document scale in feet doesn't make sense. In other programs I have been able to set such a scale and then use the ruler tool to be able to measure in feet. Is this possible in VectorStyler?

    2. I know that there are several ways to mirror, clone and copy an object, but is there a way to set up an object/group/layer as symmetrical? To be able to draw and add more objects and have the mirror side update in real time?

    3. Is it possible to make a symmetrical object, or to perform symmetrical movements on the nodes of an object? Or to "scale" the position of multiple selected nodes at once, bringing them closer or farther from a central point?

    4. Is there a way to stretch or position objects along a path other than turning them into a brush?

    "Two Quick Questions", and then I ask 4. 🤣

    As an aside, one of the first things I did was create a symbol and then place a copy of its self inside it. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I was able to do it, it didn't lag the entire program and that it had a reasonable recursion limit. Good job!

  • administrators

    @LoginError Hello, and welcome to VectorStyler. You might also be interested in the beta 1.2 that introduces more data driven graphics features, like data sources and number variables.

    Here are the answers:

    1. No, unfortunately this is not supported. But since all are vector, things can be scaled up later.

    2. Yes, any kind of symmetry and transform or effect. Create a group or layer for editing, and then create another as a reference to the first. Then transform the reference group (or layer) the way you need. Any editing in the first is then shown in the reference + the transforms (or effects).

    3. Yes. For shapes, this would be the symmetrigon, but not sure if this is what you need. And yes, you can select nodes and then switch to the transform tool to scale, rotate, or move the selected nodes only.

    4. Yes, to position objects along a path, use the Alignment panel (enable align to path from the panel menu if needed), but this is not linking the objects to the path, so changes to the path are not propagated. For stretching (and positioning) you can also use the bend shape effect (shape effects panel -> [+] button -> Mesh -> Bending). Here an interesting feature (to avoid stretching) is the Rigid Shapes option in the distortion effect options (upper-right corner, settings button).

  • Hi @LoginError and welcome to the VS forum

    You can find tutorials from me in the tutorial section of the forum.
    They deal with symmetrical graphics in different ways and also show some tips and tricks.

    In my experiments with symmetrical graphics I mostly use clones,
    maybe because I'm more used to them :). Anyway, maybe you'll find something helpful.

    Have fun with VectorStyler