Better results after rasterizing

  • Is it correct to assume that VS Object>Rasterize command is modelled after Adobe Illustrator's Rasterize command? It appears that VS uses the same algorithms which results in this command producing mediocre or very subtle outcomes.
    I suggest that @VectorStyler takes a closer look at Coreldraw's Bitmap>Create Bitmap command and use it as a case study. Corel used better algorithms and got this one right. The interpolation is definitely superior as is evidenced by the results.
    I hope that I am not asking for too much if @VectorStyler takes a look at these two also (again in Coreldraw):

    1. Bitmap>Remove JPEG Artifacts
    2. Bitmap>Resample
      Would it be feasible to have all three functionalities grouped in one dialog box?
      Forgive me as I know that some of these demands would be better suited for an image editing program, and since we currently have to make do with VS, I guess am still allowed to dream on…

  • @William-Kansepa Are you rasterizing with the default settings?

    Also, you mean to say 'very subtle artifacts'? If so, are the artifacts similar to JPEG
    "jaggies" (I've never seen those with (Object > Rasterize) or is it a lack of proper
    dithering when rasterizing gradients?

  • administrators

    @William-Kansepa In the rasterization phase, there is no JPEG format involved (unless a jpeg file was imported into the document).

    can you send me an example of what was rasterized?