How is the secondary color in the color panel used?

  • Would someone be able to elaborate a little more on what the purpose of the secondary color option is in the color panel?
    0_1685131323638_ade93c92-7b5d-4df6-b755-d85f78002fd7-CleanShot 2023-05-26 at 16.01.17.png
    I was reading about it in the documentation, but I didnt feel it explained enough in terms of real world use:

    Primary - Select the primary color mode to edit the color. This will be the color mode in which the color is stored. The Primary field is followed by a number of numeric fields used to edit the color components in the primary color mode.

    Secondary - Select the secondary color mode to edit the color. The secondary color mode is used as an additional color editing mode of the color components, but it is not stored with the color. The Secondary field is followed by a number of numeric fields used to edit the color components in the primary color mode.

  • administrators

    @Boldline Just to see and edit the color in another color mode.