Cannot assign shortcut for Select -> Select Similar -> Fill Color ?
I know the action existed before, and I assume this functionality is now covered as Select -> Select Similar -> Fill Content, but when looking to assign a keyboard shortcut I can only find 'Select Similar'. Am I missing something? How is this supposed to work please? Is it possible to select all objects in a document that have the same fill with a shortcut?
can not really answer your question
but @b77 made a while ago a search able
and sort able Shortcut Table for Mac and Win,
which may be helpful.Here the LInk
@Subpath @syllie I think there are a couple issues. First is that the specific select options are not available to add a shortcut to our add to a custom toolbox.
The other issue is the current lack of available keyboard shortcuts. I believe @vectorstyler is planning to add the option for three-key shortcuts in the future. This would open up a plenty of new potential keyboard shortcuts to assign to tasks.
@syllie Yep, it seems this cannot be done atm.
As a possible alternative, you can add the 'Select Similar' submenu to
the contextual menu:
@b77 Thanks for the suggestion!
I do not consider this an alternative really for a shortcut, too many steps to get what I want (right click, locate the action (similar), hover over the submenu (by style, by outline, by effect), then locate the subaction), but it is faster than reaching for the main menu. I tried adding it to a quick panel (custom toolbox) but the number of clicks & locate is the same.
@syllie Enabling the 'Inplace Menu' option will display the three submenus directly in the context menu.
But yeah, still not a custom shortcut replacement.
@b77 Hey thank you for mentioning that option.
It made me look at options when adding it to a custom toolbox and by ticking the 'active item' box it results in a one-click access:
That is a much faster option now (only to be beaten by a shortcut)
@syllie Indeed, that's even better.
@syllie Yes, those are not separate actions. I will try to improve this for 1.2