Change key commands?

  • Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I can't find any place to set my own key commands to select various tools, functions, etc. I think I could probably use Mac System Preferences to painstakingly set custom key commands for every menu function, but I'm hoping there's an easier way.

  • @jfraze Did you go to the "keyboard shortcuts" section? It's improved recently but it's still not completely intuitive in my opinion

    0_1667321241873_d3080c6f-6b80-43f9-93e6-fb5e1cd36d8a-BLD 2022-11-01 at 12.47.00.png

  • Aha, that's what I was looking for. I just found it now under the VectorStyler main menu. I was looking under Preferences, Edit, Panels and anywhere else I could think of where it appears in other applications.

    This is exactly why I need to customize these! Seems like nothing is quite how I expect it!

  • @jfraze When you don't find some feature or command you need, try the Search field under the Help menu (say, 'shortcuts').
    If it's included, macOS will point it where it's located in the menus.