@Raaskot I added this to the backlog. Some are doable, others a bit difficult. I have a hard time to manage (re)linking and prevent the size of file to explode Embedded images will be saved with the file. There is an image compression option for this in the Document Setup view. Attempts to relink image files to bring size down is time consuming alot. Currently embedded images must be relinked one by one. But if the embedded image still has a file name (see in the info popup), then there is a panel button to turn that into a linked image. Also the huge blinking info popup cover ads to the confusion. This info popup was requested, I would not remove it for now. Maybe some configuration options? A big wish: A visible icon in list to mark whether item is linked and embedded. It's an annoyance to pull down menu to see if file is linked or not. I will add try to add this ASAP.