Liquify Tool needs much better smoothing
Unfortunately, I find the results with the Liquify tool unsatisfactory
and not really great. A much better smoothing would make this
tool more usable.Even though the Liquify tool would be more important to me,
I would also argue that all of these tools would benefit from
much better smoothing options.
Here the difference CorelDraw and VectorStyler.
I know its not really the same Tool but i think you get what i mean.
The transitions in Vectorstyle are much too harsh
and lines are unsteady.VectorStyler
@Subpath Smoothing can be adjusted in the tool options (double click tool icon, then Options button).
I will find better defaults.
Ok, played a bit with the Liquify Tool Settings and found out
that "S-Curve 5" will do a somewhat better job.But I also find out that using these settings is no fun.
For every small change to the settings you have to double click
on the tool to access them again. I find that very tedious.Will try out a few settings and then get back to you
@Subpath I opened a bug on this. The default settings must produce better results.