How to use color picker in color panel?
As an Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape user I find the color picker confusing and not making very much sense.
I would be glad for a step-by-step description or perhaps any video’s on how to do.
@Raaskot Click the picker icon, and then click somewhere on the canvas
Move the mouse over the eyedropper icon, right-click, and drag the eyedropper to the color you want to pick.
@VectorStyler Left clicking often doesn't work; is this a bug?
@Li-Xiao said in How to use color picker in color panel?:
@VectorStyler Left clicking often doesn't work; is this a bug?
I will try to replicate this.
@VectorStyler Okay, right click always works
So cool. Thanks. Now I got it (this image for my own VS-guide):