Linking A Bitmap File by Dragging It from Windows Explorer
If I drag a bitmap file from Windows Explorer, sometimes it comes as a linked image and sometimes it comes as an embedded image.
For example, this image came as an embedded one, after I restarted VectorStyler and dragged the image into the software for the first time:
I tried to restart VectorStyler and dragged the image into the software again. It came as a linked image. I need a consistency in placing or importing the images as in Adobe Illustrator.
How to make the bitmap files always come as linked images, after we drag them from Windows Explorer?
@gotanidea If the Alt (Option) key is held, a linked image is added.
@VectorStyler I held the Alt key when dragging a bitmap file from Windows Explorer, but the icon in Links panel is the embedded one:
@gotanidea I add this to the backlog, to find out what is the issue.
The File -> Link File command should create linked images.
@VectorStyler Thanks Admin. In my opinion, it would be better if we follow Adobe Illustrator workflow. Dragging a bitmap file from Windows Explorer into that application will always automatically link the image, without having to hold any key