New in 1.2
Object Styling
- Settings for keeping default styles when changing selection.
- Improved Appearance panel (single style list mode).
- Add image effects to brush styles and presets.
- Select style picker tool option by double clicking on tool icon.
- Brush transparency mask.
- Blend ranges transparency mask.
- Create new concentric gradient with Option(Alt) dragging in the gradient tool.
- Create new empty palette.
- Create new color palette using selected objects.
- Create new color palette using the selected image.
- Merge spot or globals colors.
- Automatically update a color palette opened from a file if the file changes.
- Better handling of objects with multiple roles.
- Option to use layer hierarchy to create style folders from reference canvases.
- Ignore selected objects in a reference canvas (Skip Style Listing role).
- Deep object styling (mirror object style of member objects).
- Tiling pattern content variable and style overrides.
- Vector brush content variable and style overrides.
- Use noise based randomization in scatter brush.
- Separate color picker tool to pick colors from document pixels.
Image and Shape Effects
- Clear edge blur image effect.
- Adaptive dilute tone image effect.
- Edge extraction image effect (Tracing Guide).
- Select envelope shape from the context panel.
- Center point for Warp effects.
- Additional rigid shape options in shape effects.
- Curvature smoothing shape effect.
- Improved blending effect, with new shape blending schemes and object positioning for blending groups.
- Blended shapes: create a shape as a blend of two shapes (linking to originals).
- Blended objects: create an object as a blend of two objects (linking to originals).
Path Editing Tools
- Split object shape.
- Offset Path tool.
- Extend path tool: extend paths along curvature or a shape profile.
- Reposition nodes along the path curvature with the extend path tool.
- Add new nodes to a path using various node position schemes.
- Reshape tool.
- Join paths in Trim and Join tool by holding Option(Alt).
- Cut stroke profile in Trim and Join tool.
- Join paths using curvature extension in Trim and Join tool.
- Duplicate a section of a path using the Node tool.
- Rotate and stretch a section of a path using the Node tool.
- Deleting a segment with the Node tool will cut the path.
- Curvature path smoothing in pencil tool.
- Path eraser tool: erase sections of a path.
- Single Corner mode option for the corner tool.
- Copy paste single nodes.
- Use custom shapes in the eraser tool.
- Show next segment option for pen tool in context panel.
- Turn off path autoclosing for pencil tool in context panel.
Shape and Path
- Image Trace tool: extract shapes from images with options from the Trace Guide panel.
- Vector bucket fill tool.
- Union of regions delimited by open or closed paths.
- Coverage intersection mode to extract overlapping parts of multiple shapes.
- Close gaps option for divide, trim and merge operators.
- New expand stroke command to keep crossing paths.
- Convert flat curves to lines.
- Convert curves to lines.
- Convert dashes to curves.
- Additional square start shape parameters.
- Polygon sections.
- Skew option for star shape tool.
- Merge stroke width profile when joining nodes.
- Close single path with curvature extension.
- Extend path along curvature to nearest intersection.
- Connect two paths using curvature extensions.
- Add new nodes at path extrema locations.
- Align control point angles of selected nodes.
- Join multiple paths at overlapping nodes.
Variables and Styles
- Number variables: used in numeric attributes.
- Selector variables: make variables out of multiple choice attributes.
- Condition variables: use condition in dual choice attributes.
- Expressions for numeric attributes.
- Number variable override generator for repeaters.
- Color variable override generator for repeaters.
- Adjust number variables in repeaters using expressions.
- New repeater attributes for grid, concentric and random modes.
- Set corner content for pattern brushes.
- New simplified color filter to replace colors from a color palette.
- Measurement number generators (shape area, length, etc).
- Data sources and data merge.
- Use a data source in repeater to style repeated objects.
- Use a data source to create multiple artboards on a canvas.
- Symbol parameters.
- Color generator schemes: create new colors from existing ones using a toning scheme.
- Blend mode variables.
- Link transparency mask to the mask of an other object (with an object role).
- Link opacity to the opacity of an other object (extracting number variable from object).
- Merge presets of a kind from multiple files.
- Drag and drop preset files into the preset panels to import and merge presets.
User Interface
- Improved new document setup view.
- Improved Settings view.
- Button to iconify panels.
- Allow multi-stroke shortcuts.
- Search for a shortcut key by pressing keys.
- New full screen modes.
- Show and hide all panels using the Tab key.
- Save viewpoint presets in the Navigator panel.
- Customize all application icons.
- Set large and small nudging multiplier values in settings.
- Show brush names as tool tips when hovering over brush presets.
- Node radius sensitivity in settings.
- Better file name display in alert views.
- Shortcuts for selecting the next or previous blend mode.
- Improved workspace management.
- Context panel button to save and reload workspace and settings files.
- Allow ruler font customization.
- Show guidelines when dragging a new guideline from the ruler.
- Create new action presets from repeat actions.
Layers panel
- Improved Layers panel design.
- Option for outlined layers.
- Template layers option.
- Collect objects in a new layer.
- Zoom to layer when double clicking the preview icon.
- Automatically open a layer when hovering with drag and drop.
- Pressing shortcuts while in the layers panel will do the action on the layers panel selection.
- Hide or lock other layers using key modifier.
- Show isolated layer with Option(Alt) hovering over the layer name.
- Option for paste to remember layer (Layers panel menu).
- Send objects to current layer.
- Add or remove composite shape content in the Layers panel.
- Lock all Others in the Layers panel.
- Drop files on the Layers panel to import into a layer.
Selecting Objects
- Select neighboring objects in selection search.
- Select objects inside an existing shape.
- Select objects intersecting an existing shape.
- Option to keep image effects for new objects.
- Isolate inside symbol instates for editing.
- Option to allow click selection of locked objects.
- Isolate into shape paint object when double clicking.
- Settings for direction dependent selection mode (intersecting or inside).
- Select drawing place from a menu opened with a single context panel button.
- New magic wand selection mode for boxed and lasso selection.
- Use Escape key to exit from isolation mode.
Transforming Objects
- Numeric editing of transform pivot point.
- Move selected objects by an amount from the transform panel.
- Show or hide selection while dragging objects (option in context panel).
- Transform each object separately in the transform tool (option in context panel).
- Transform box rotation (option in context panel).
- Keep transform box rotation when changing selections (option in context panel).
- Snap and cycle transform box rotation between significant angles (option in context panel).
- Distributed scaling and rotation inside first level groups.
- Flip object width and height from transform panel menu.
- Show nearby points when snapping to points.
- Option for transform panel proportional lock to constrain on canvas scaling also.
- Modifier key to rotate around the opposite corner.
- Group overlapping objects.
- Keep relative position of overlapping objects in alignment.
- Slab type alignment presets.
- Rename selected objects or artboards from clipboard.
- Layer and object option for named layer exporting in PDF.
- Use pivot location when click clearing a shape.
- Modifier key in Gap tool to snap to equal sizes.
- Option to show hidden objects as a gray wire frame on top.
- Object option to expand group clipping by stroke width.
- Tangential snapping mode.
- Snap to path extrema locations.
- Improved snapping panel options.
- Use shapes from a guide reference canvas for snapping.
- Content crop tool to adjust image clipping.
Fonts and Text
- Insert number variables into text.
- Document specific favorite fonts collection (stored in the document).
- Change tracking without highlighting text.
- Reverse text lines direction in a text frame.
- Clear character transformations.
- Allow single word overflow.
- Show hidden characters in text frames.
- Adjust text frame size to text flow size.
- Align to text inside text frame.
- Alternate font manager view to assign fonts to collections.
- Single text wrap distance value mode in text wrap panel.
Document Options
- Display CMYK blacks as rich blacks (Display Options).
- Allow template canvases from linked documents.
- Import multiple files with interactive placing.
- Options for multiple page PDF importing.
- Compressed image mode in document options.
- Options to distort content of linked vector graphics.
- Relink multiple files from a common folder.
- Show options to select which recovery file to open.
- Incremental export again.
- Create artboards from selected object bounding box.
- Scale selected objects to fit to artboard bounds.
- Resize artboard to fit its content.
- Crop atboard to selection.
- Generate artboard guidelines using columns and rows settings.
- Set artboard margin as columns and rows.
- Option to show artboard size in artboard label.
- Link bleed and margin values.
- Go to artboard by name.
- List opened documents as document options presets.
Advanced illustration and drawing software
Improved workflow
- Real time, direct editing of objects and styles.
- Image and vector effects can be manipulated directly and interactively on the objects.
- Advanced tools to edit vectors, text and images.
- Powerful snapping options to align objects and shapes, including collision and formation snapping.
- Create guidelines at any angle, group guidelines and use different colors per guideline group.
- Work seamlessly with multiple documents.
- Multiple views of the same document: edit a symbol in one view, see changes in the other view.
- Link documents and reuse symbols and styles from other documents.
- Build a hierarchy of multiple canvases, and use unlimited number of artboards in a single document.
- Use the Properties panel to quickly edit frequently used options.
Vector graphics and illustrations
- Select from a large number of parametric shapes to start drawing.
- Use real vector brushes, stretching vector graphics along shapes to create brush paint effects.
- Use both cubic and quadratic curves in shapes, with smooth and symmetric corners.
- Setup corners in any shape, and use arbitrary shapes to defined new corner types.
- Powerful nondestructive vector effects to adjust object shapes.
- Style objects with multiple outlines and fills using arrows, caps, dashes, stripes, variable stroke width, colors, rich gradients or tiling pattern styles.
- Create mesh gradients from any object using the Mesh tool.
- Setup gradients along or across a shape.
- Use object repeaters to setup vector halftones, space fills, or stippling effects.
Image effects for vector graphics
- Select from a large collection of image effects.
- Apply multiple, nondestructive image effects on vector objects, groups or layers.
- Use the Image Effect tools to interactively adjust image effect parameters.
- Apply image effects as adjustment effects: adjusting content behind an object.
- Create adjustment layers using selected image effects.
- Import and reuse complex SVG image effect hierarchies.
Typography improved
- Use vector text as shape for objects.
- Powerful text on path features: interactive positioning of text along a path.
- Easy adjustment of the vector text baseline, to create a text on path effect.
- Interactively move and transform individual characters of a text shape.
- Flow text in multiple frames across multiple artboards and canvases.
- Embed shapes and styled objects as glyphs into the text.
- Powerful text styling: outlines, fills, underlines, OpenType typography.
- Balance multiple columns of text flow inside a frame.
Powerful preview and display options
- Preview in vector, pixel or outline modes.
- Create a split view of different preview modes, and slide between them quickly.
- Zoom in to over 1.000.000% level.
- Rotate views to arbitrary angles and draw or edit objects at any viewing angle.
- Adjust the extent of sub-pixel division to setup various anti-aliasing modes.
- Preview colors, gradients and effects in 16-bit or 32-bit precision per color component.
Compatibility and export workflow
- Import graphics from native Illustrator or PSD files.
- Import and export popular file formats: SVG, PDF, Postscript, EPS, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF.
- AI files are imported in editable form with tiling patterns, brushes, styles and effects available for reuse and adjustment.
- Create multiple slice regions on a canvas for exporting.
- Setup multiple export formats, resolutions and options for each slice.
- Export all or selected slices only, in one step.
- Batch export multiple artboards.
- Setup vector objects for batch exporting.
- Save the export options with the document and Export Again in a single step.
Editing detail for professionals
- Unlimited Undo and Redo hierarchy.
- Use the History panel to browse the change history.
- Alternate histories: select which change to redo.
- Save undo and redo history with the document, and browse previous history in a newly opened documents.
- Repeat selected recent actions.
- Find and replace objects, styles and text.
- Copy and paste object styles, object shapes, transparency masks, image effects and character styles.
- Create, edit and use Symbols.
- Override selected styles locally for a Symbol.
Customizable application details
- Select Dark or Light user interface theme.
- Customize size and color of indicators, used in interactive editing.
- Example: change the size and color of nodes displayed while editing curves and their control points.
- Set the scaling factor of the user interface for better accessibility.
- Setup automatic document backup options.
- Customize colors for guidelines, grids and slices.
- Customize details of object and curve editing.
Setup custom menu structures
- Customize the application menu hierarchy.
- Customize the context menu shown with quick actions on Control+Click.
- Create and reuse custom menu hierarchies.
- Easily swap between previously saved menu structures.
Customize shortcuts
- Customize application shortcuts.
- Create, save and reuse shortcut definition files.
- Easily swap between previously saved shortcut definition files.
- Setup shortcuts specific to a context only.
- Example: a shortcut can have a different meaning when editing text or when editing curves.
Customize and create new toolboxes
- Customize the application toolbox.
- Create, save and reuse custom toolbox files.
- Create and use multiple custom toolboxes at the same time.
- Easily swap between previously saved custom toolboxes or open toolboxes in separate panels.
Improved Vector Illustration
Extensive list of parametric shapes to start your design
- Draw and edit: rectangles, ellipses, circles, regular polygons, stars, square stars, gears, spirals, polygonal spirals, super ellipses and super shapes.
- Draw and edit symmetrigons with arbitrarily shaped sides.
- Edit ellipse or circle properties to create multiple concentric sections.
- Interactively adjust the attributes of any shape type.
- Bend the sides of rectangles and regular polygons.
- Select clockwise or counterclockwise shape directions.
- Regular and normalized star shapes of arbitrary number of corners.
Powerful shape editing tools
- Interactively edit corners of any shapes.
- Create and use custom corner shapes (not just circular or flat).
- Edit free form curves by moving control points or dragging the curve at any location.
- Trim and Join tool to intersect and merge shapes.
- Show curve direction when hovering over the shape.
- Show starting and ending nodes of a shape.
- Edit quadratic and cubic curves of better control of shapes.
- Simplify and smooth out curves using the Simplify Path menu command.
- Convert any shape to curves, and freely edit its nodes and control points.
Boolean shape operations
- Shape operations: Combine, Intersect, Union, Exclude, Cut Out, Inside, Outside, Remove Overlaps, Exclude Back, Divide, Trim and Merge.
- Simplify shape at self-intersecting points based on the winding fill rule.
- Combine and create complex shapes.
- Boolean shape operations without stray nodes.
- Combine shapes directly, to create new editable free form shapes.
- Combine shapes with boolean operations nondestructively, to edit the original shapes at any time.
- Apply boolean operations on a group of objects, to create nondestructive shape combinations.
- Use the Shape Builder tool to create complex shapes.
Vector editing workflow
- Create and reuse shape styles.
- Change the shape of multiple objects, by using shape styles, and adjusting the styles.
- Link (reference) the shape of an object, to another named reference object.
- Edit the shape of multiple objects by editing reference object shapes.
- Create and reuse shape presets everywhere.
- Convert text to shapes to edit curves.
- Draw smooth shapes with the pencil tool, or create curves using the pen tool.
- Use Shape Paint (aka live paint) groups to create dynamically styled artwork.
- Pencil tool eraser mode enables the erasing of intersecting path segments.
- Use the Path Sketch tool to create complex shapes by sketching simple strokes.
Powerful vector effects
- Nondestructive distortion effects applied to object shapes.
- The shape effects panel creates and manages multiple shape effects applied to the selected object.
- Modify shape effect attributes of the selected objects at any time.
- Distort groups of objects, using mesh or envelope distortions.
- Bend groups of objects along arbitrary, freely editable shapes.
- Warp objects into predefined shapes.
- Apply the Elastic Warp effect to distort objects freely.
- Create and edit shape effects interactively.
Paint with Brushes
- Select pencil and brush stabilizer modes.
- Draw variable width outlines using the brush tool.
- Edit local width of variable width outlines using interactive tools.
- Select and paint with real vector brushes.
- Vector brushes may use variable width profiles, the width profile can be adjusted interactively at any time.
- Vector brushes contain an arbitrary group of vector objects, distorted and stretched along the painted curve.
- Vector brushes may contain arbitrary colors, or can be tinted and shaded with custom colors.
- Paint with scatter, pattern and bristle brush types, while retaining vector scalability.
Modify shapes using shape effect brushes
- Paint vector effects over any group of shapes to create local distortions.
- Select from up to 13 different vector effect brushes.
- Apply local twirl, ripple, noise, wave, perturbation, zig-zag distortions to shapes.
- Edit brush options by double-clicking on the brush tool icon.
- Modify object shapes using the Liquify tool.
- Create and apply shape distortions on groups of objects.
Mesh gradients
- Create and edit mesh gradients using the interactive mesh gradient tool.
- Create mesh gradients from arbitrary shapes.
- Add new nodes to mesh gradients at arbitrary locations.
- Select the color and opacity of each mesh node.
- Fast interactive preview of mesh changes.
Powerful Masking Tools
Create complex transparency masks
- Use the Transparency panel to setup and modify transparency masks of the selected objects.
- Select opacity of objects and layers directly from the transparency panel, or the object / layer options view.
- Select from multiple blend modes.
- Select and edit a gradient style as a transparency mask.
- Select and edit a tiling pattern style as a transparency mask.
- Select and edit a noise fill style as a transparency mask.
Transparency options
- Edit transparency options of objects and layers in the object / layer options view.
- Isolated mode: layer or object content is composited independently of background.
- Knockout mode: blend layer content with backdrop.
- Option to interpret opacity as a shape.
- Use layer or object content as a mask for adjustment effects.
Blending modes
- Select from a list of blending modes.
- Darken, Multiply, Color Burn, Exp Dark.
- Lighten, Screen, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge, Exponent Light, Extra Light.
- Overlay, Soft Light, Hard Light, Vivid Light, Linear Light, Pin Light.
- Difference, Exclusion, Subtract, Divide, Distance.
- Hue, Saturation, Color, Luminosity.
- Color Wash, Color Scale, Geometric.
- Hard Burn, Hard Dodge, Light Burn, Scale Dark.
- Logical And, Or, Xor, Nor, Add and Invert.
Transparency mask types
- Solid color for uniform transparency mask.
- Gradient of any type for transitions. Gradient shapes are also included.
- Use tiling patterns to setup transparency masks.
- Use synthetic noise styles as transparency masks.
- Setup mesh gradient as transparency mask, to adjust the opacity at arbitrary locations.
- Use groups of objects, or references to named objects (symbols), to create custom transparency masks.
Transparency mask editing
- Select and edit transparency attributes in the Transparency panel.
- Interactively edit transparency gradient tones and shape.
- Interactively edit tiling vector pattern masks.
- Browse and select transparency from a large collection of synthetic noise types.
- Edit the mesh transparency type in a similar way as mesh gradients are edited.
- Edit objects of a transparency group, by double-clicking on the preview in the Transparency panel.
- Edit transparency masks from reference objects (symbols), by editing the objects.
Powerful workflow for transparency masks.
- Invert mask, and select between clipping or non-clipping masks.
- Create named styles or presets from any transparency mask.
- Reuse transparency mask styles or presets, by selecting from the list of transparency type in the panel.
- Override transparency attributes in symbols.
- Copy and paste transparency mask between objects.
Advanced Object Styling
Object fill and outline styling
- Solid colors selected by various means: color spectrum, numeric color values, palette, color variations or harmonies.
- Gradient transitions with arbitrary shapes.
- Tiling patterns with content selected from other objects or symbols.
- Synthetic noise styles for filling objects and outlines.
- Multiple stacked fill and stroke attributes in a single object.
- Separate opacity and transparency mask options for each fill and outline style of an object.
Advanced color selection methods
- Select colors from the color panel by adjusting numeric amounts, picking from the color wheel, or editing hexadecimal color values.
- Support for multiple color types: Gray, RGB, CMYK, HLS, HSB, HWB, HSI, Lab, LCH.
- Select from various color wheel types.
- Select colors from various color palettes.
- Keep multiple color palette panels opened at the same time.
- Load palettes from files of various formats: ASE, ACV, ACO, CPL, CSV and XML.
- Show a color palette as a color bar at the margin of the document view.
- Create and use Spot and Process colors.
Gradient styles
- The most extensive set of gradient types available: linear, concentric, conical, spiral, noise.
- Select gradient attributes from the gradient panel.
- Edit the shape of linear, concentric and conical gradients.
- Use shapes of reference objects as gradient shapes.
- Create new gradient types by setting up a gradient with a custom shape.
- Interactively edit the gradient attributes and the gradient shape.
- Select color and opacity of gradient stops.
- Create and reuse gradient styles and presets.
- Create texture gradients using the noise gradient type.
Tiling pattern styles
- Fill and outline objects using tiling patterns.
- Select the content of tiling pattern from object symbols.
- Scale and rotate the tiling pattern fill.
- Select pattern tile shape: Boxes, Hexagons, Triangular or Rhombus.
- Expand tiling pattern into editable objects.
- Edit tiling pattern content in-place, or by editing the referenced objects.
Noise styles
- Fill and outline objects using various types of synthetic noise styles.
- Use the noise panel to select noise style attributes.
- Edit numeric noise attributes or randomize the noise parameters.
- Browse and select noise from an extensive list of randomly generated custom noise styles.
Powerful Outline Options
Outline objects and text
- Select outline width from the Stroke panel or the Properties panel.
- Fill outline strokes with color, gradient, tiling pattern, or noise.
- Create and reuse stroke styles and presets.
- Select and reuse stroke styles from reference objects.
- Gradient on stroke: gradient colors transition along or across an outline stroke, including variable width strokes.
Stroke properties
- Set stroke properties in the Stroke Panel.
- Allow zero width strokes for real thin hairline at any resolution.
- Align stroke inside, outside or centered to the object outline.
- Shift strokes inside or outside by arbitrary amounts.
- Align dash lengths between cusp nodes.
- Distort the shape of stroke (including arrows), using shape distortion effects.
Use stroke caps.
- Select stroke cap ends in open or dashed shapes.
- Create and use custom shaped stroke caps.
- Create new cap shapes from a custom shape.
- Select a cap shape as a reference to a named object shape. When the object shape is edited, the linked cap shapes are updated automatically.
- Offset stroke cap locations along the outline.
Add arrowheads to open shapes
- Select arrowheads at the start and end of open shapes.
- Select arbitrarily shaped arrow heads from the Stroke panel.
- Create new arrowheads from the shape of selected objects.
- Select arrowheads as a reference to a named object shape. As the object shape is edited, the linked arrow shapes are updated automatically.
- Connect arrows defined by an open shape, to the shape of the stroke.
- Enable arrowhead and stroke distortions by the shape effects applied to the object.
Variable width profiles
- Assign variable width strokes to selected objects from the Stroke panel.
- Create and reuse variable width profile styles and presets in the Stroke panel.
- Link to stroke width profiles of reference objects.
- Select width variation type from Monotone or Cubic.
- Edit arbitrary stroke width variation in a modal view or interactively.
- Use symmetric, reverted or flipped width variation functions.
Object outline workflow
- Edit stroke width profile interactively with the Width tool.
- Adjust stroke width profile using the Stroke Width Brush tool.
- Smooth the stroke width profile variations using the Width Smooth Brush tool.
- Erase nodes from the width profile function using an interactive tool.
- Use the Stroke Width panel for precise control of variable width strokes.
- Combine the variable width profile attribute with dashed, striped, shifted stroke attributes to create complex stroke effects.
Objects and Layers
Advanced object hierarchy
- Create arbitrary layer and object hierarchy.
- Assign names to layers and objects, and use these in various contexts (see symbols and object references).
- Add multiple fill and stroke styles to a single object.
- Assign transparency masks to objects or whole layers.
- Create clones of objects and modify or remove attributes of clones.
- Select the source object of cloned objects.
- Select cloned properties of object clones.
- Assign roles to objects and layers, to reuse these as attributes (color, outline, transparency masks, patterns, symbols).
Object and layer options
- Clip layers into arbitrary shapes.
- Lock or unlock, show or hide objects and layers.
- Reference any layer or object as a symbol.
- Place objects on any of the multiple canvases of a document.
- Assign color indicators to layers (used in the Layers panel and in outline preview).
- Use object or layer content as guideline shapes.
- Convert layers or objects to images.
- Create adjustment layers or objects using image filters.
- Setup adjustment filters on any object, to apply image effects to the object backdrop, masked using the object shape and content.
- Clip groups by assigning a shape to a group.
Extended Layers panel
- Manage the object and layer hierarchy in the Layers panel.
- Select the locking and visibility options for multiple objects.
- Add image effects to selected objects in the Layers panel.
- Access advanced layer and object editing commands from the Layers panel menu.
- Customize Layers panel options using the Panel Options command from the menu of the Layers panel.
- Open multiple Layers panels, pinned to specific document, canvas, layer, or object content.
- Copy or move content between multiple documents, or different parts of the same document, using multiple opened Layers panels.
- Show larger preview of an object or layer, by double click or long press on the object icon.
- Rename multiple objects or layers, by selecting them in the Layers panel, and pasting the names from the clipboard.
Appearance panel
- Use the Appearance panel to create, edit or remove fill and stroke styles of an object.
- Show and adjust styles for multiple selected objects.
- Add new shape or image effects to the selected object, or to a stroke or fill style only.
- Drag and drop object fill and stroke styles to change their relative order.
- Edit the fill and stroke attributes of the selected objects.
- Access style editing commands from the Appearance panel menu.
- Apply color adjustment filters on the selected objects.
Find and replace objects, text and styles
- Use the Find / Replace tool to search, select and change objects or text by content or by attributes.
- Search for objects by their name, assigned selection marker, role, or reference.
- Search based on attributes using the More options of the Find / Replace panel.
- Search for object and text using multiple conditions.
- Search based on object fill or stroke properties.
- Replace found objects with symbols (reference objects).
- Automatically apply changes to found objects, setting their fill or stroke styles, or applying shape or image effects.
Advanced object handling
- Assign names to multiple selected objects automatically.
- Assign 9-slice scaling options to symbols for better scaling control.
- Expand selected symbol references into local objects.
- Override styles in selected symbol references.
- Expand groups of boolean shape combinations.
- Expand linked content into imported objects (AI, PSD, PDF, PS, EPS, SVG or other files can be linked into a document).
- Expand object outline stroke (including dashes, stripes, variable width profiles) into editable shapes.
- Search and replace referenced symbols.
- Create cap shape, arrow, corner shape, artistic brush, pattern brush, scatter brush, tiling pattern or symbol from selected objects.
Image Effects
Apply image effects on vector artwork
- Large collection of customizable image effects, that can be applied to vector artwork.
- Image effects are nondestructive: keep editing the artwork, and adjust effect properties at any time.
- Effects can be applied on vectors or images, while still retaining all editing options.
- Zoom in or out on image effects, rendering the effects at current resolution.
- Use GPU acceleration for image effects rendering.
- Edit image effects interactively in the document, using the image effect tool from the Image Effects panel.
- Apply multiple image effects on groups of objects.
- Import, export and reuse SVG image filter hierarchies.
The Image Effects panel
- Create, edit and manage image effects on selected objects using the Image Effects panel.
- Create and reuse image effect styles and presets.
- View and edit detailed attributes of image effects.
- Show and organize stacks of image effects, applied on the selected object.
- Use interactive tools, to edit image effect attributes and shapes.
- Setup opacity and transparency mask, of individual image effects.
Image distortion effects
- Apply geometric distortions as image effects.
- Distortion effects can be edited interactively in the document.
- Apply concentric warp effect.
- Create wave, zigzag, ripple or perturbation effects.
- Use generated noise as a parameter of various distortion effects.
Mesh and other distortions on images
- Apply and interactively edit 4-point image distortion effects.
- Create and edit envelope effects as image distortions.
- Create and edit mesh grid effects as image distortions.
- Use Elastic Warp effect, to distort selected objects and images in an elastic way.
- Use the Bend effect, to bend the selected objects and images along a shape.
Blur filters
- Select blur filters, from a variety of blur shapes and types.
- Supported blur filters: Gaussian, Box, Concentric, Cone, Disc, Motion, Noise, Radial, Wave and Zoom blurs.
- Edit the shape and direction of Gaussian blur.
- Edit attributes of all blur types interactively.
- Adjust blur strength locally using a mask.
- Edit the shape of Concentric, Cone and Wave blurs.
- Use Noise blur to create locally varying blurs.
Color filters
- Apply color filters to create nondestructive color adjustments.
- Edit color filter properties in the Image Effects panel.
- Adjust colors using the Black and White, Channel Mixer, Hue Adjustments, Color Balance and Color Map filters.
- Adjust color tones using the Curves and Levels filters.
- Use Exposure, Posterize, Solarize, Vibrance, Photo Filter and Contrast filters, to create color adjustment effects.
Image generators
- Generate images from object shapes, using image generator filters.
- Apply Brushed Metal image generator on any objects.
- Create Flare, Lens Flare or Star Shine effects.
- Select from an extensive set of noise types and variations, to generate synthetic noise.
- Create and edit Turbulence noise.
Stylistic image effects
- Add Brush or Noise effects to the colors of the selected objects.
- Create Bloom, Haze, Inner or Outer Glow effects.
- Create Drop Shadows.
- Create Halftone effects of arbitrary shape.
- Create Crystalize, Pixelate or Pointilize effects.
SVG filter compatibility
- Import and use SVG filters from SVG documents.
- Add standard SVG effects to objects or images.
- Add SVG effect compositions to objects or images.
- Export SVG effect compositions into SVG files.
- Import SVG effect definitions, and use these from the Effects menu or the Image Effects panel.
Adjustment layers and objects
- Create adjustment layers, with image effects applied to layers below.
- Select a shape for an adjustment layer, to mask the area of filtering.
- Use the layer content as a mask, to control the adjustment effect.
- Create adjustment effects, applied to the backdrop of an object or group of objects, to filter specific areas in a document.
- Use the Adjustment Layer and Content is Mask attributes of any object or group of objects, when creating adjustment effects.
- The shape of object determines the filtering area of the adjustment effect.
New Vector Document
Edit and manage multiple vector documents
- Create new documents instantly, without modal interactions.
- Create a new document, by specifying properties, opening from a template or copying artwork from the clipboard.
- Revert document to the previously saved state, from the document file.
- Save the current canvas into a separate file.
- Open multiple documents into tabbed or separate views.
- Open multiple views of the same document, to display and edit different parts of the document.
Setup document properties
- Edit document properties using the Document Setup command.
- Enable or disable Undo / Redo history storage into the document.
- Select coordinate system direction to top-down or bottom-up.
- Edit document file format options.
- Setup document color properties.
- Setup default document artboard style.
- Specify default guideline, grid and slice indicator colors for a document.
Multiple canvases
- Create, edit and manage multiple canvases, in a single document.
- A canvas may inherit content from a parent canvas, for better artwork and design reuse.
- Organize canvases into a hierarchy, for better workflow.
- Create and use top level canvas containers, to organize document content.
- Place artwork into canvases under the main Canvas collection.
- Use the Reference canvas container, to create canvases for referenced objects, artwork, brushes, styles and symbols that can be reused through the document.
- Use the Parent canvas container, to setup a parent canvases, and reuse content in multiple other canvases.
Working with artboards
- Create thousands of artboards, of arbitrary size on each canvas.
- Set rotation of individual artboards at arbitrary angles.
- Create, move, resize and rotate artboards, using the Artboard Tool.
- Create grids of automatically generated artboards.
- Edit size, position, rotation, margins, and fill color of artboards, using the Artboard Options command.
- Arrange existing artboards into a grid.
File Formats and Compatibility
Import from commonly used graphics formats
- Import PSD files, retaining editing options of layer hierarchies, and adjustment filters.
- Import native Illustrator files (not just the PDF stream), retaining high level editing options of objects, brushes, tiling patterns, blends and effects.
- Import PDF, Postscript and EPS files.
- Import embedded PDF, PS, or EPS fonts as curves.
- Import SVG files, including SVG image filters.
- Import image files with PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, TGA, GIF, HDR and EXR formats.
- Insert linked content objects, pointing to external vector or image graphics files.
Advanced exporting options
- Specify advanced export options using the Export command.
- Export vectors to SVG, PDF, EPS or Postscript formats.
- Export to image file formats: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, TGA, GIF.
- Export artboards and canvases to a single multi-page PDF file.
- Setup detailed export options, specific to individual file formats.
- Repeat the last file exporting command, using Export Again, including slice exporting.
- Store export options with the document, so that Export Again works after opening a document that has been exported previously.
Export slices
- Create and use export slices, to setup batch exporting of large number of files.
- Draw, position, resize and rotate export slices, using the Slice tool.
- Export slices can have arbitrary angles, rotating their content at export.
- Each canvas may contain multiple export slices, of arbitrary position, size and rotation.
- Assign export slices to artboards, to automatically generate slices based on artboard layout.
- Export content of all or selected slices, using the Export Slices command.
The Slices panel
- Manage the list of slices of the current, canvas using the Slices panel.
- Assign names to individual slices, for labeling and export file naming.
- Setup file format options for each slice.
- Add multiple file formats and file exports, to each slice at arbitrary resolution and options.
- Enable or disable individual slices.
- Add a name suffix used in the automated naming of exported files.
Batch exporting
- Batch export all or selected artboards using the Export Artboards command.
- Each artboard can be exported into one or more files and formats.
- Setup object batch exporting collections, using the Object Export panel.
- Setup multiple file formats to export an object collection.
- Create and manage multiple object batch exporting collections, for different export format settings.
- Automatically override selected styles while batch exporting.